Originally an orphanage in Kharkiv, Ukraine, the FED factory was turned into a labor commune in the 1920s and renamed after Felix E. Dzerzhinsky, founder of the NKVD which was the forerunner to the KGB. Eventually it came to be known by the initials, FED (cyrillic ФЭД or фэд).
After the groundbreaking introduction of the Leica II in 1932, Soviet leaders stopped the import of photographic equipment and set the FED factory to its task of creating a Leica of their own. Only 18 months later, in 1934, the FED factory began churning out its first clone of the Leica II rangefinder camera. Since then, they have produced millions of cameras, some good and some not so good.
FED cameras: Years of manufacture:
FED 'Red Flag' c1948
FED (Type 1) 1934
FED (Type 1) black 1934
FED (Type 1a) 1934-1935
FED (Type 1b) (NKVD) 1935-1937
FED (Type 1c) (NKVD) 1937-1939
FED (Type 1d) (NKVD) 1939-1941
FED (Type 1e) 1946
FED (Type 1e) Red Flag 1948
FED (Type 1f) 1949-1953
FED (Type 1g) 1953-1955
FED 10 1964-1967
FED 11 (Atlas) 1967-1971
FED 2 (Type a) 1955-1956
FED 2 (Type b) (F130) (F/2.8) 1956-1958
FED 2 (Type b) (F130) (F/3.5) 1956-1958
FED 2 (Type b) (F131) 1956-1958
FED 2 (Type c) 1958-1960
FED 2 (Type d) 1958-1960
FED 2 (Type e) 1969-1970
FED 2 L 1962-1966
FED 2 Prototype 1952-1954
FED 3 (Type a) 1961-1965
FED 3 (Type b) (Revue 3) 1966-1976
FED 3 L 1963-1965
FED 3 L/D 1977-1983
FED 3 L/D Olympic 1980
FED 35 1985-1986
FED 35 A 1987-1990
FED 4 (Type a) 1964-1971
FED 4 (Type b) (Revue 4) 1969-1980
FED 4 '50 Years October' (Revolution) 1967
FED 4 L 1969-1980
FED 5 1977-1990
FED 5 Kroko Luxus 1977-1980
FED 5 Olympic 1977-1980
FED 50 Automat 1986-1996
FED 5B (V) 1975-1990
FED 5B Olympic (V) 1975-1980
FED 5C (S) 1977-1990
FED 5C Olympic (S) 1977-1980
FED 6 Prototype 1992
FED 7 Prototype 1967
FED B (V) 1938
FED Boy Stereo 1988-1992
FED C (S) 1938-1941
FED Mikron 1968-1986
FED Mikron 2 1968-1986
FED Mikron Olympic 1979-1980
FED Mikron Prototype 1967
FED Siberia c1939-1941
FED Stalinetz c1990s
FED Stereo c1988
FED Zorki 1948-1949
FED Zorki Stereo 1961-1965
Zarya 1959-1961